Terms and Conditions on Our Photos

All photos are printed on Professional Lab Photo Paper. These photos are great for autographs, to get framed or to just collect.

Our pictures are printed from either a 35mm, 120mm, 2.25x2.25mm slide or a digital image captured by a camera. There is a small amount of cropping that occurs due to the sizes of the slides / picture and the photo size are never perfectly symmetrical. There is nothing we can do about it. In most cases buyers cannot even tell. However, if this is a problem in any way please refrain from all purchases from this site.

The word “Watermark” only appears in the auction picture and NOT on the photo you will receive.  We strive to offer the best images available for the era. We would like to note clarity, glare, or other imperfections sometimes occur in older photos. Please view the enlarged photo image on the auction listing to preview each photo before ordering.

All of our images are protected by copyright laws. Any copying, posting or duplicating for any reason is prohibited. This is the only warning. 

All of our Photo will have an AUTHENTICATION sticker place at the bottom of the photo. Each sticker has a serial number that we track by order. 

We never sell customer information to outside sources.